Right now I am potty training Mia. Oh YES it is a blast let me tell you.
I have been having a hard time getting her interested in using the potty. Finally Mia has an interest. She saw a toy on TV that is a "dog that swims". Now I didn't actually see this toy and it may not even exist. Mia really wants this toy so I told her if she can go potty every day and fill up her potty chart we would go get that "dog that swims". Again I don't even know what it looks like. We are going on our third day of potty training and she was doing really good until we went to church. Normally in the past when I would try potty training Mia she would get so frustrated that she would end up crying and screaming for her diaper. I gave up because I could not force her to use the potty. So this time around when ever she got frustrated she basically reminded her self that she wants that "dog that swims" and she hasn't given up. I think this is going to be it. She is finally going to be potty trained.
I do have to admit, I need some help. I am not sure how to get Mia to poop on the potty. Dose anyone have any suggestions?
5 days ago
Ok, so my friend tried this and she said that it really worked. The website is
Apparently I haven't tried it (because I don't have kids). But she highly recommended it. Give it a try if you want!
I copied the post from her blog below...
We're Potty Trained!
Posted by Brindy at 2:54 PM 7 comments
I have been planning this dreaded step in parenthood for a few months now. I kept saying when school started -- when I would have a little more time to devote to Ellie and do it all the way, not part way and give up. So last week was the week. I made plans to make NO plans. :) My sister referred me to an online book she downloaded...and since I didn't really know what I was doing I decided I better read it. It's called 3 Day Potty Training. I HIGHLY recommend it for those of you dreading it as much as I did or struggling with the system you're working with now. It worked wonders!! We started on Tuesday and she was a pro by Wednesday -- 1 day! It took her only a few accidents by the time she figured out how things worked. Around dinner time on our first day I was downstairs and I heard her calling from upstairs "I did it all myself!". I ran upstairs and found her sitting on the potty and just finished going poop! I was SO excited, I can't even tell you! Since then she has gone poop everytime in the potty and has had maybe 2 minor pee accidents. No accidents at nap time, bed time, or errands. She tells me every time she has to go. I'm amazed how easy it was! I was nervous the day I started and asked myself why I was getting myself into trouble, but I am so glad I did it. Now it's time to get her a big girl bed. :)
Gillian was the same way--nothing motivated her. She was three and a half before I finally stuck with it. We just made it a part of life, no treats, no charts, no rewards, she didn't even want praise. After a couple weeks of a lot of accidents she finally got it. A couple months after that, I never worried about her having accidents.
I didn't train James until he was three and a half too. I'm a big fan of waiting until I absolutely KNOW they get it.
I was really worried about Clark not pooping on the potty. He would hold it for DAYS before he would go because he didn't have the patience to sit on the potty long enough to poop. It took a couple of weeks and a few accidents (with mom NOT freaking out about it) before it finally stuck. You just kind of have to wait for your kid to figure out how to poop on the potty themselves. Good luck finding the "dog that swims" too!
With Riley, she got the art of peeing in the potty first, and then the pooping just came naturally, and when she was comfortable pooping in there..
Nope I am still watching that little boy 3 days a week.. so its still working, but I don't want to watch him anymore.. maybe within the next couple months we will see...
Wish I could give you some advice about pooping in the toilet. That was the first thing Aaron mastered. Peeing in the toilet came later.
Our blog is: www.thecockrellfamily.blogspot.com
Sorry no advice on potty training, I haven't come to that yet. But I know there are a lot of resources and ideas on the internet. I say pick a plan you feel comfortable with and you think will work with Mia and try it out. I don't think there is any one right way. I love your little breastfeeding timeline. I dream about the day I can stop and Davey's only 4 months old.
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