Welcome to the Monsivais Family

Welcome to the Monsivais Family

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Josh comes over on Tuesdays

On Tuesdays Mia and Meg's cousin Josh comes over every Tuesday. Mia loves to play with Josh. It's kinda funny because come Monday Mia just about always asks me when Josh is coming over. It's like she knows that it's been a while scene Josh was here last.
Their favorite thing to play is house. They get out all the food and dishes and baby dolls.
We love it when Josh comes over. We have so much fun with him. They are so good at entertaining them selves.

Mia is washing the fork in the sink.

The thing that I find so funny about all this is that Mia only plays this way when Josh comes over. I guess it's not as much fun to play house with your self or with your little sister Meg.
I just love it when they play together because they have great imaginations and it is so much fun to watch them play.

Poor Meg!! The bigger kids won't let her play. I always hear " Meg, No give that back." Then I next thing I hear is Meg crying.

I do think it's cute that Meg wants to play with them. Meg wants to play with the food and dishes just like Mia.

Josh is so cute in this picture I just had to put it on.

Meg is my little angel. For being a year old she is so good at listening and obeying. Most of the time when Hryum and I tell her to do something she will do it. She dose have her times when she is a little stubborn and she will not do it.
The other day she got a can out of the garbage and Hyrum told her to go put it back in the garbage and so she did. She walked back over to the garbage and put the can in... then looked at us, and took it out again. lol I laugh so hard I thought is was so funny. I really feel like she dose her best to listen and to obey us.

1 comment:

Kristi said...

Cousins are so fun. I remember loving to play with my cousins. LOL! That story of Meg and the garbage is too funny!
